David Abbott


Photo by Eddy Lannon

David Abbott (b.1981) lives and works in Bristol, UK.

He works primarily from personal experience, muddling visions of the present with his own hazy recollections in order to explore ideas of memory, history, loss and home using landscape as his medium.

Abbott is drawn to the cyclical flux of the natural world as an allegory for our own mutable lives. His landscapes at times assert themselves confidently, at others appear to be disappearing before our eyes. In a time of massive pressure on the natural world his landscapes seem to submit both to inside and outside forces.

Abbott's work awakens real and imagined pasts, whilst drawing inspiration from time spent outside with birds, woods and fields that echo with human and wild history, old songs, stories, lives lived and lost. These are deep, ever-change landscapes that flicker between recognition and unknowing – composite visions of place, memory and myth.

"There is also the quite distinct feeling that we are permanently screened off from things by the limitations of our perceptions and that we shall only know them as memories."
From The Unquiet Landscape by Christopher Neve